Sunday 30 October 2011

Vapur Competition

This was a competition for a water bottle design of Vapur.  Wanted to add my own little cute character to it!

1st Year Uni Assignment.

Back in my first year of Univeristy we had to get an existing company or create our own company and revise it's logo.  I chose to redo the logo of Tamarket, an anime merchandise online store.  Here is my logo.


Just a character I created called Marbosa, didn't really take off as I would have liked.


Lovable Doraemon ^_^

Scribblenauts Competition

This is an entry I made for a Scribblenauts competition on about 3 years ago.

Wind Waker Link

Wind Waker Link that I drew ages ago.


No idea what posessed me to draw this kind of Kirby XD!


Squirtle Squirtle!

Ichigo Head

The head of Ichigo from the anime Bleach.

Takumi Fujiwara

Initial D King!


Kirari from the anime Kirarin Revolution.  Very proud of this picture actually.


Mai from the anime series Popotan.

Cream the Rabbit (In colour) ^_^

I drew Cream the Rabbit and then put the image into Illustrator and gave it some colour.

Pika Pika PIKAAA!

Pikachu from Pokemon.


Drew Tales from Sonic a while ago.


Not one of my best drawings but still got Syaoran done a few years ago!


Sora from Kingdom Hearts.

Drew a while ago.

Summer Sonic

Sonic the Hedgehog relaxing on an outdoor recliner chair that I drew ages ago.

Classic Sonic

I drew this Classic version of Sonic a while ago.  I like how old Sonic doesn't have massive spikes at the back of his body.

Christmas Sonic

Merry Christmas in October from Sonic.

Drew this ages ago.

Sakura Avalon

Cardcaptors was a favourite cartoon growing up back as a child so I drew Sakura ages ago.


A picture of Kirby that I drew.

Meta Knight

Everyone loves Meta Knight don't they?

Drew this myself.


Kooh from the game of Pangya Golf that I drew.

Cream the Rabbit

Cream the Rabbit that I drew.

Uploading Pictures from the past...

Starting to upload some pictures I have done prior to getting into University.  Pretty much all of them are not my own original designs but I have drawn them from what I see.

Here is Chibi Robo

Easing Out Exhibition!

Friday 28 October 2011

Lifetime work!

Nice!  I finally got this Blogger account up and running, so hopefully over the next few weeks I can upload work I have done in my lifetime so far and start to get myself a nice folio of work coming together.

I think I will start by moving all of my deviant art pictures to here firstly so I can get things up and rolling.